
Apr 1, 2011

Class 5c works in Comenius!

English - Polish dictionary

                                                             Kuba and Oskar 

Julka and Agata

Iza and Bartek

Ola and Malgosia

Mar 11, 2011

Learn Polish!

Here is our new activity! We are going to learn our friends from other countries some words and phrases in Polish. We will record our voices and prepare a Power Point presentation. It will be an e- mini English - Polish dictionary.

It is only rehearsal!

There is a lot of work to do! But we think the final result will be great.

Feb 28, 2011

Protect the environment!

Our last activities were connected with ecology and the environment.
What can we do to save energy?
What can we do to save water?
What can we do in our houses, schools, towns?

We talked about protection of the environment and made posters, albums, drawings for our friends
from partner schools.
It was also a special ecology event at school. We collected plastic bottles taps and we are going to buy
a tree from the money. It will be "a Comenius tree" planted in front of school.

The Comenius Corner - we like it!

    There are lots of materials  from all partner schools.